Take your next step in your walk with Jesus and the 2NDFam!
Did you join us for an online worship service? Were you there in person but didn’t get a chance to fill out a card? We are thrilled you chose to worship with us! We would like to know more about you and how we can connect with you. Be sure to let us know how we can pray for you when you fill out the form.
Water Baptism is an illustration of what God has done for us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. When we are baptized, as he instructed, we are dunked under the water signifying that our old self has died. When we are pulled back up from the water it is a picture of being given a new life by Jesus.
We are excited that you would like to be baptized. Complete the form below and someone from our Lead Team will contact you with your next steps.
We believe in living life the way God calls us to live it: in community. Joining a group is your first step to building authentic relationships, deepening your faith, and impacting the world around you with the love of Jesus.
CONNEXT is the best way to learn about our 2ND Family. Find out more about what we believe, the ministries we have, and what it means to be a member. Our staff will share about 2ND’s mission and show you how to get involved. You’ll have a chance to ask questions, and you will get the opportunity to join the 2ND family. We want to encourage you to attend even if you’re not ready to join, there’s no pressure!
If you would like to become a member of 2ND Baptist, CONNEXT is our required membership class.
Connext Conway is the second Sunday of each month at 11 AM.
Sign up for the Conway class here!
Connext Greenbrier is every other month. The next class is on April 6 following the 10:30 service!
Every person who serves the 2ND family in any ministry is part of the Home Team. The Home Team’s goal is welcoming people into the family and making them feel at home. Whether they’re greeting at the door, helping in the kids’ ministry, playing an instrument, or assisting with events, the Home Team takes ownership and finds great joy in opening the way for others to see and experience Jesus. The Home Team is the very heartbeat of the 2ND Family!
Fill out this form and join the Home Team at the Conway Campus!
Fill out this form and join the Home Team at the Greenbrier Campus!
The members of the 2ND Baptist Family commit to one another to financially support the mission and ministry of Jesus through this church. We do so willingly and in full confidence knowing that our church is financially accountable, transparent, and conservative.